I am sure that you have. I know that I have. In fact, this happens way more than we think that it does, and I am wondering why we can miscalculate what something might be like as often as it happens?
It is a natural thing to do, I think. To overestimate and underestimate. To create scenarios with bits of information and turn that into entire experiences…In a lot of ways, this is an incredible strength that we as humans possess. When this superpower is harnessed, it is capable of doing amazing things. But, when it is unchecked it can be a big problem.
How many things have you talked yourself out of before you ever even got there? How many relationships have you not started because of what you thought that person was like without actually meeting them? How many opportunities have been left on the table?
I am glad that Jesus didn’t get cold feet.
I am glad that even though He knew what was coming, He stayed the path.
Where we would have miscalculated, He counted the cost.
Where we would have walked away, He walked towards.
This Sunday we enter into Holy Week. Another time to remember the totally remarkable way that Jesus walked in the face of everything He knew was coming. You see, Jesus did what we could never do: Lived in perfect obedience, lived in perfect integrity, and lived on purpose.
This is why we celebrate.
We were lost, wanderers, unable to save ourselves.
Now we are found, rooted, and saved by Jesus.
May you find a deeper, richer, fuller knowledge of what Jesus has done for you this Holy Week.
Some Questions to center ourselves with this week:
1. What was the most upsetting part of that experience?
2. Were there any moments that were redemptive?
3. Did you take a posture that was open or closed to the change in plans?
B. Change is a difficult thing for us to deal with sometimes:
1. What is it about change that you don’t like – be very specific.
2. What is it about change that you do like – be very specific.
Read the following to get your heart and mind centered in our entrance to Holy Week this Palm Sunday, The Triumphal Entry in each Gospel, and text your questions to 262-287-1583!