Thursday, March 22, 2012

Forgiving the Debtor

Debt! An ominous sounding word! While there are debts that can and are paid on time or even ahead of schedule, we often think of the word "debt" with LOTS of money owed or PAST DUE bills. Jesus taught us to pray "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors". I believe He was teaching about more than money owed. The term "debt" in the Bible is defined by the commentator, William Barclay, as "a failure to pay a debt...a failure in duty.” In other words a "debt" in the biblical sense is to fail to do right or a failure (doing wrong).

In Sunday's text, Jesus will offer a prayer of forgiveness on the cross toward those who crucified Him though He was innocent. He is our supreme example AND enabler in forgiving our "debtors" (those who failed to do right toward us)! One aspect of the Lord's Prayer is also helpful in forgiving others = we ask to be forgiven AS we forgive. So that means that we are "debtors" ourselves and therefore are to be forgiving toward our "debtors". Jesus goes on to say at the end of the prayer (Matt. 6:14, 15) that God’s forgiveness toward us and our forgiveness toward others is linked - a rather sobering thought!

One commentary I read on these Scripture passages stated that Jesus showed and taught forgiveness because He wanted His followers to be a "forgiving community" Are we? I know I need to grow in this spiritual trait - how about you?

See you Sunday!

1. Jesus prayed for those who were KILLING Him. (Lk. 23:33-34) Does that
challenge us regarding some "unforgivable wrong" that someone has done to us?

2. Jesus prayed for their forgiveness and said they did not know what they were
doing. (Lk. 23:34). Did the soldiers not know what they were doing at the
crucifixion? Does it mean we don't have to forgive those who "know what they
did to us"? What does it mean that they didn't know what they were doing?
Consider Acts 3:15-17, I Cor. 2:8.

3. Looking at Jesus' seven words from the cross, where is this prayer for
forgiveness considered to be numerically? Mt. 23, Mk.15, Lk.23, Jn. 19.

4. How do you think it is possible for someone to forgive grievous "debts"
and "debtors"? Consider Gal. 2:20, Eph. 3:17 and Col. 1:27. What do you
think "Christ IN you" really means?

5. What does Psalm 66:18 teach? How does that compare with Matt. 6:14, 15? Just how
important is a forgiving spirit?