Thursday, April 5, 2018

"The Courage to Submit" - Barrett Hendrickson

Covenant. God's relationship with His people is based on Covenant. I'm counting at least 43 times the Bible uses the Immanuel Principle, "I will be your God and you will be My people" or some derivation of that. He promises to be with us, His people. God loves His people and calls them His bride. Sunday, we're going to take a look at how we are to be a faithful and loving bride, knowing that He is unfailing in His love for his people.

We'll take a look at what being that faithful and loving bride means. But until then, read The Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 7 on God's Covenant with man.

1.       The distance between God and his creation is so great, that, although reasoning creatures owe him obedience as their creator, they nonetheless could never realize any blessedness or reward from him without his willingly condescending to them. And so it pleased God to provide for man by means of covenants.1
1. Is 40.13-17, Jb 9.32-33, 1 Sm 2.25, Ps 100.2-3, 113.5-6, Jb 22.2-3, 35.7-8, Lk 17.10, Acts 17.24-25

2.       The first covenant made with man was a covenant of works.2 In it life was promised to Adam and through him to his descendants,3 on the condition of perfect, personal obedience.4
2. Hos 6.7, Gn 2.16-17, Gal 3.10, Rom 5.12,19, 1 Cor 15.22,47, Gal 3.12.
3. Rom 5.12-20, 10.5.
4. Gn 2.17, Gal 3.10; Compare Gn 2.16-17 with Rom 5.12-14, 10.5, Lk 10.25-28, and with the covenants made with Noah and Abraham.

3.       By his fall, man made himself incapable of life under that covenant, and so the Lord made a second, the covenant of grace.5 In it he freely offers sinners life and salvation through Jesus Christ. In order to be saved he requires faith in Jesus6 and promises to give his Holy Spirit to all who are ordained to life so that they may be willing and able to believe.7
5. Gal 3.21, Rom 3.20-21, 8.3, Gn 3.15, Is 42.6, Mt 26.28, Heb 10.5-10.
6. Mk 16.15-16, Jn 3.16, Rom 10.6,9, Gal 3.11, Acts 16.30-31, Mt 28.18-20, Rom 1.16-17.
7. Ez 36.26-27, Jn 6.37,44-45, 5.37, 3.5-8, Acts 13.48, Lk 11.13, Gal 3.14.

4.       This covenant of grace is frequently identified in Scripture as a testament, in reference to the death of Jesus Christ, the testator, and to the everlasting inheritance and everything included in that legacy.8
8. Heb 9.15-17, 7.22, Lk 22.20, 1 Cor 11.25.

5.       This covenant was administered differently in the time of the law and in the time of the gospel.9 Under the law it was administered by promises, prophecies, sacrifices, circumcision, the paschal lamb, and other types and ordinances given to the Jewish people, all foreshadowing Christ.10 For that time the covenant administered under the law through the operation of the Spirit was sufficient and effective in instructing the elect and building up their faith in the promised Messiah,11 by whom they had full remission of their sins and eternal salvation. This administration is called the Old Testament.12
9. 2 Cor 3.6-9, Heb 1.1-2.
10. Heb 8-10, Rom 4.11, Col 2.11-12, 1 Cor 5.7, Col 2.17.
11. 1 Cor 10.1-4, Heb 11.13, Jn 8.56, Gal
12. Gal 3.7-9, 14, Acts 15.11, Rom 3.30.

6. Under the gospel Christ himself, the substance13 of God’s grace, was revealed. The ordinances of this New Testament are the preaching of the word and the administration of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s supper.14 Although these are fewer in number and are administered with more simplicity and less outward glory, yet they are available to all nations, Jews and Gentiles,15 and in them the spiritual power of the covenant of grace is more fully developed.16 There are not then two essentially different covenants of grace, but one and the same covenant under different dispensations.17
13. Gal 2.17, Col 2.17.
14. Mt 28.19-20, 1 Cor 11.23-25, 2 Cor 3.7-11.
15. Mt 28.19, Eph 2.15-19, see under figure 11 above, Lk 2.32, Acts 10.34-35. 
16. Heb 12.22-28, Jer 31.33-34, Heb 8.6-13, 2 Cor 3.9-11.17. 15.11, Rom 3.21-23,30, Ps 32.1, Rom 4.3,6,16-17,23-24, Heb 13.8, Gal 3.17,29, see context and citations under figure 10 above, Heb 1.1-2.