Friday, July 22, 2011
The Romans' Road
How do we know we are on the “right” road to heaven? Jesus said, “I am the way… no man comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
There are several verses in the Book of Romans that teach us about salvation. You’ve heard the song from the Wizard of Oz, “Follow the Yellow Brick Road” . . . well, join me this week as we “Follow the Romans’ Road.”
See you Sunday!
Those of you attending the Barclay services may want to bring your Bible on Sunday and mark the following passages:
1. Read about the road that was closed in Genesis 3:24.
2. Read about the high road of Proverbs 16:7.
3. What is the name of the highway in Isaiah 35:8?
4. What conclusion can we draw from Jesus’ parable about “hitting the streets”? Luke 14:23
5. What was the name given to followers of Jesus in the early days of Acts? Acts 9:2
6. According to Romans 3:23 how many of us start out on the wrong road?
7. Repentance has been described as a u-turn. Note the two directions of Romans 6:23.
8. In the story of Pilgrim’s Progress, Evangelist points Christian to the little wicket gate. What could that gate symbolize? John 10:7
9. As you study Romans 10:9-10, of the “Road” what do you understand “confess with your mouth” to mean?