"The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church" is a statement that has stirred the spirit throughout the years. It seems that often the death of a person for the sake of the Gospel has been used by the Holy Spirit to compel others to Christ. We so often speak of Christ's death for us but this week we think of those who died for Him. Obviously, they were willing to give all for Him because He had given all for them.
Stephen is the primary example we have of a martyr in the New Testament. He was an amazing follower of Christ who was powerful in his witness and bold in his preaching. Opponents of "The Way" (as Christianity was first called) hated his theology and ministry just as they opposed our Lord. False witnesses were set against Stephen but to no avail. Finally, his direct challenges to his opponents and vision of the Triumphant Lord brought about the stoning that killed him. We will consider in the text this matter of hatred against Christians, Stephen's fearlessness in the face of death, and Christ's honor of this faithful martyr.
The transformed life calls us not only to be willing to live for Christ but to be willing to die for Him as well. Thankfully we live in a nation where religious freedom has flourished. However, many of our brothers and sisters in Christ in other lands still face persecution and even martyrdom.
Along with the biblical record of martyrs, I have read an old book called Foxe's Book of Martyrs and viewed the website for "The Voice of the Martyrs." These testimonies have stirred some questions in my mind. Do I love Christ enough to die for Him? Would I have the courage if called upon to be a martyr for Him? When we consider questions like these and the sacred sacrifice of Stephen, we are looking at ultimate transformation!
See you Sunday.
1. What "S" word gives an indication of where Stephen's power and fearlessness came from? Acts 6:5, 10, 55
2. Looking at Acts 6:15 and Acts 7:51-53 what curious combo do you see in Stephen? Compare John 1:14.
3. Study Acts 6:7-11. Why was Stephen opposed? What methods did his opponents seek to use to combat him?
4. What is unique about Christ’s recognition of His martyr, Stephen, in Acts 7:55?
5. Read some of the other "stoning" stories in the N.T. John 8:5, 59; 10:31; Acts 14:19
6. Christ honors the martyrs of the O.T. beginning and ending with whom? Matthew 23:35
7. Consider the 5th Seal of Revelation 6:9-11 and its description of martyrs for Christ.
8. What is the promised reward Christ gives to martyrs? Revelation 2:10
9. Where is our source of courage? Joshua 1:9; Psalm 31:24