Watching the building of the Hebron Sanctuary’s new entrance has been a joy. The laborers have turned a load of individual bricks into an attractive wall. The bricks by themselves serve little purpose until placed together. This seems to be Peter’s thought when he calls us “living stones”. The Lord is putting each of us (stones/bricks) together to make His spiritual temple.
Peter also teaches that Jesus Christ is the precious cornerstone holding the other stones (us) in place.
Amazingly, Peter tells us we are not only God’s temple but also His priests. Each believer has the ability and privilege to offer the Lord worship and spiritual sacrifice.
Think of why we come together as believers though we have different homes, jobs and schools. It is primarily to worship God! Our local church is a visible expression of I Peter 2 where God is putting a people together to worship Him.
A friend of mine greets his congregation on Sundays with this line “Hello, Church.” He has captured Peter’s thought that the church is much more than the place; it’s the people!
See you in “Church”!
1. Peter teaches that Jesus is “precious” to God and to us. I Peter 2:4, 7 - List reasons why.
2. What does the theological concept “the priesthood of all believers” mean. I Peter 2:5, Revelation 1:6, 5:10
3. Compare I Peter 2:6 with Ephesians 2: 19-22. How is Christ the cornerstone?
4. He (Jesus) is also a stumbling stone in I Peter 2:8. What could that mean?
5. Who do you think the “builders” are in I Peters 2:7?
6. For what purpose does God grant for us the privileges of I Peters 2:9?
7. David describes God as a rock in Psalm 18:1. What do you think he means?
8. Read Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2:31-46. Any ideas on the who/what of that rock!
9. What rock do you think Jesus is referring to in Matthew 16: 15-18?
10. Note some early renditions of Christian “rock music”. Deuteronomy32:1-4; II Samuel 22:1,2