Hebron family – It is with great pleasure and excitement that I prepare the sermon for this Sunday. This is Jay Mitlo and I have been burdened by some Scripture that has really come alive to me in the past few months. As Trey continues to live - truly live, even though he is dying, I have had God work hard in me to understand some of His word. We will be looking at 2 primary selections from Matthew this week. They are: Matthew 6:25-34 and 16:21-25.
Up to the past couple of years I have looked at these verses and have been left either feeling guilty or simply confused. The Matthew 6 selection is where Jesus tells His disciples to not be anxious. Most often, I read this and began to really feel anxious…for feeling anxious. In Matthew 16 Jesus tells them that if they seek to save their life they will lose it, and if they lose their life they will save or find it. Yeah, that didn’t exactly make a whole lot of sense to me so I always tabled it for future understanding. Apparently, that time is now.
So, as you prepare your hearts for Sunday (or rather, as you allow God to prepare your hearts) I would encourage you to look at what makes you anxious. Can you categorize it? Are there some things that cause you to grip tight all the time and other things that just get you from time to time? Further, what does it mean to you to take up your cross daily and follow Him? Is it about you and the things you do? Is it about sharing in Christ, His suffering, and His plans for you here on earth while you are here? Both?
I am blessed and honored to share with you what God has revealed to me. I look forward to being with you Sunday.
Jay Mitlo