Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Arrows Out

Expectations are powerful.  Stop for a moment and think about some of the expectations that guide your life with your friends, at your work, or with your family or neighborhood.  Expectations actually shape who we are and who we will become.  With that in mind, we are going to look at what we should expect to happen when God pours out his Spirit on a local church starting with the Scriptures but moving into our everyday life.

Reflection questions:
1.      What do I think I can expect to happen in my life as God pours out His Spirit on a person or a local church?

2.      Do I experience those expectations being met in my own individual life?

3.      Where in my own life do I feel I am leaning against God’s agenda for my life rather than leaning on God’s agenda for my life and for the life of my church together?

4.      What can I do to make my life more open to God’s Spirit in my own life?