Has anyone ever called you strange or different? What if they were
to call you peculiar? Would you shy away from such a distinction or embrace it?
Likely, if they were referring to your favorite socks or interest in exotic
foods, you might take offense. But what if they were referring to your faith?
Interestingly, in Titus 2:11-14 Paul outlines how followers of
Jesus Christ were to be different, even “peculiar” when compared to the world
around them. This week’s sermon is going to explore what it looks like to have
an authentically peculiar faith that is both Christ-like while at the same time
a credible witness to the world around us.
To do so we are going to do a character study of the life of
Joseph and see how he exemplified a peculiar trust in the Lord through his
proclamation of God’s peculiar promises, a peculiar integrity, and maximizing
the peculiar position given to him.
In preparation for this message, I invite you to spend some time
in Genesis 37-50 reviewing the life of Joseph. This study includes a
number of chapters, so try reading a few each day leading up to Sunday asking
yourself the question, “How was Joseph’s example of a peculiar faith a powerful
witness to those around him?” Also, as you go through your week, I invite you
to examine yourself by asking the same question.